Global warming will reach 1.5°C by the early 2030s in all emission scenarios, even in the most severe scenarios with strong emission reductions.
Reducing warming to near 1.5°C or even 2°C is out of reach unless greenhouse gas emissions are reduced immediately, rapidly and on a large scale.
The best-case scenario of stabilising warming at 1.5°C requires emission reductions of "net zero" by 2050.
The Royal Dutch Meteorological Institute calculated that the warming faster is in the Netherlands and Belgium: it is already more than 2 degrees warmer here than before 1900. This is because the warming is faster everywhere above land - 1.6°C on average, compared to 0.9°C above oceans.
Many of the effects of climate change, such as the continued rise in sea level, are slow processes, irreversible over a period of hundreds to thousands of years.